Project title:
“Restoration of former Benedictine Monastery in Hronský Beňadik for a purpose of making it available to a public and for completion of touristic infrastructure.”
Implementation of the Program:
“Conservation and Revitalisation of Cultural and Natural Heritage and Promotion of Diversity in Culture and Arts within European Cultural Heritage”
Aim of the Project:
The aim is restored, renovated and protected cultural heritage.
Aim of the Project expressed in measurable indicators and their final value:
1. Number of restored/renovated buildings: 1
2. Number of cultural objects restored/renovated: 21
3. Printing of information and promotional booklets: 1,500 pieces
4. Production of promotional items: 2,000 pieces
by Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the government budget of Slovak Republic
Two outputs financed within the Project:
1. Management of the Project with the financial support of € 22,700
2. Restoration/renovation of historic buildings of Monastery in Hronský Beňadik with the financial support of € 575,759
Total eligible costs of the Project: € 598,459
Project grant: € 508,690
Project grant rate max.85% of the total eligible Project costs
Project co-financing from the own resources of the beneficiary: € 89,769
15% of the total eligible Project costs
Ineligible Project Costs: € 41, 618 (paid by the Beneficiary of the Grant)
Budget categories financed by the Project:
1. The costs for purchasing goods and services in the amount of € 23,540;
2. The costs for publicity and promotion of the Project in amount of € 12.690;
3. The costs of construction works– both, the restoration and construction works together in amount of € 562,229.
Programme Operator:
Government office of the Slovak Republic
Roman-Catholic Church, Nitra Bishopric
Project Partner:
Municipality Hronský Beňadik
Date of issue of the Project approval: 20th February 2015
Planned Project completion date: 30th April 2016